Developed a serverless web app with ReactJS, Chakra UI, Firebase, and Vercel, enhancing user experience and attracting new customers.
Collaborated with cross-functional engineering teams, gaining insights into various technologies and SaaS products from a business perspective.
Featured Projects
Teamed up to develop Afilo's landing page and authentication system. Currently enhancing the merchant user interface with Tailwind CSS and Redux.
ReactJSChakra UIFirebase
Growth and Analytics
This web app helps teams set up a data+martech stack to execute, manage, optimize, measure, and analyze campaigns and experiences.
React jsChakra UIReduxGoogle Tag ManagerIntercom
Watchman Project
Designed and built a full-stack website with custom CMS using NextJS, NodeJS, and MongoDB for efficient content management and enhanced functionality
React jsChakra UIReduxGoogle Tag ManagerIntercom
Portfolio website
Designed and developed a portfolio website using Next.js, TailwindCSS, and Framer Motion, showcasing my skills and projects in a visually engaging and user-friendly manner.
Next js 13Tailwind CSS
Teamed up to develop Afilo's landing page and authentication system. Currently enhancing the merchant user interface with Tailwind CSS and Redux.
ReactJSChakra UIFirebase
Real Time Pair Programming Web App
This app facilitates seamless collaboration, enhancing productivity, code quality, and teamwork.
Next js 13Tailwind CSSSocket.ioExpress js
Growth and Analytics
This web app helps teams set up a data+martech stack to execute, manage, optimize, measure, and analyze campaigns and experiences.
React jsChakra UIReduxGoogle Tag ManagerIntercom
Watchman Project
Designed and built a full-stack website with custom CMS using NextJS, NodeJS, and MongoDB for efficient content management and enhanced functionality
React jsChakra UIReduxGoogle Tag ManagerIntercom
Your growth journey,
I am thrilled to offer you a tailored web solution for your business.Email me or schedule a time with me to discuss further.